Home Weddings
!! Congratulations On Your Engagement !!

Like what you see? We would love to talk with you about having your wedding at St. Peter’s, Yaxley.
St. Peter’s can be very popular for weddings so please get in touch with us today about reserving a date.

Church Bells

If you would like the Church Bells rung to celebrate your wedding, please speak to us as soon as possible.

Car Park

The Church Car Park is located uphill from the church, next to the Vicarage. It can accommodate approximately 30 cars.


Organ music, if required, should be arranged with us at least three months before the ceremony.

Musical Equipment In Church

Some musical equipment, including a drum kit and keyboard are kept on the dais (stage).


In the period leading up to your wedding, there will be opportunities for you to meet with the vicar, to plan and prepare for your life together, as well as for the “big day”.

Order of Service Leaflets

Please agree the choice of wording in your order of service with the minister conducting your wedding before printing them. On a practical note, please bring the service leaflets to the rehearsal.

Banns of Marriage

Please note these two legal requirements carefully:

  1. We are required by law to see both of your passports (or other identity papers) before we can read your banns of marriage. There is no exception to this requirement.
  2. If either or both of you live in a parish other than Yaxley then you will need to have your banns read in that parish(es) as well as at St Peter’s. We can help you with contact details, but it is your responsibility to ensure that the necessary banns are read elsewhere.
  3. The Church of England has an excellent website offering advice on weddings:

Fees in 2025 £
Diocese of Ely 247 Statutory fee
Reading of banns 37 Statutory fee
St Peter's PCC 297      Statutory fee
Bells - optional 70 Note 3
Organ - optional 170 Note 3
Verger / sound desk / technician    40 Note 1
Maximun Amount 861 Note 2

There is an additional charge for heating, of £75, for weddings from October to April inclusive.

Note 1: The vergers will welcome your guests, operate the sound desk, including microphones, and play any CDs you might require. They also tidy up the church afterwards, but will leave any remaining flowers in situ. If you need a sound desk operator, or a technician for your data, there will be an extra charge of £40.00.

Note 2: The fees for 2026 are not yet available. Please take to your first meeting with the vicar a deposit of £100 and your passports. This is important, as if we do not receive the deposit we will release the date to another couple. You will receive a detailed invoice several months before your wedding, which must be paid two months in advance.

Note 3: This charge is reviewed annually, and may change.

What do I do next?

Your first step is to contact us for an initial conversation, discuss dates and the options available to you. We’ll then arrange to meet with you and for forms to be completed along with a small deposit.

01733 240996 / 07498 230858
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St Peter's Church Yaxley
43 Church Street, Yaxley, PE7 3LH
Tel: 01733 240996 / 07498 230858
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