Rev Sarah would love to speak with you and you can contact her at or by phone 01733 240996 / 07498 230858
Our mission statement is reaching out in love and faith. We aim to do this through the love that God has shown to us and we want to share this. We focus looking in at times to our church family and how to build each other up. 1 Thessalonians 5: 11 says:
Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.
We want to do this with our church family and those who are not yet part of our church family yet.
To build up our church family we have:
- Regular prayer meetings
- Regular homegroups- small groups that meet together to explore the Bible together and to get to know one another and support each other in fellowship and prayer.
- Men’s Grub Club – A time when the men come together to eat together and share life together.
- Women’s Ministry – A monthly time for our women to gather together sharing different activities each month, favourites being trips to The Dice Box, Tea and chat at Dobbies, crafting, Ferry Meadows and much more.
- Children and Youth ministry on a Sunday.
- Parochial Church Council (PCC) our Governing Group of elected representatives.
- Opportunities to volunteer in lots of different areas of the life of the church.
We also run:
- Baptism preparation.
- Admission to Communion preparation.
- Confirmation preparation.
- Spaces for those wanting to explore the Christian faith.
- Lent Groups.
We also have an annual away day. To reach into our community we:
- Run Yaxley Foodbank from the church.
- Run a Community Hub at Olivemede Care Home in their day care centre on a Wednesday from 11am to 3pm.
- Volunteer as Governor is our schools.
- Lead collective worship and assemblies in William De Yaxley C of E School and Yaxley Infant School.
- Prayer walks.
- Lead a monthly service in Olivemede, our care home.